Aug 10, 2022
The Deucecast chooses to pod smarter, not harder, this time as the word of the day is SCIENCE!! Whether "she blinded me" with it, or its "My project" or just WEIRD, today #TwitterlessDrEarl and Mikey and d$ talk about "Science Movies".
How to define that? We ask our guest, the latest loser of #FanboySummer, "Chewbubba" Andy!
The topic tonight is all about the science, but first the crew takes on the Denzel Game for the first time in a while... a little chit-chat with Andy to find out who he is and what he's about...
Then tackling the broad spectrum of "Science Movies" (which is different than "Sci-Fi Movies"), the guys give their picks of their favorite movies about Science, Technology, Mathematics and more.
We'll discuss the career of Andrew Niccol... dunking on Math teachers... Harland Williams whereabouts... Apollo films... Tesla v Westinghouse... storm chasers... life on Mars... the vision that is Jennifer Connelly...
And more mentions of Jacqueline Bisset than all previous episodes combined...