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Episode 377: The Best of the Worst (2010s)

May 8, 2019

In an episode that can best describe the podcast here, Best of the Worst definitely can include Mikey, Dave and #TwitterlessDrEarl... and what better way to discuss below average and mediocrity that our good friend from way cross Georgia, in a little town called Vinings (or wherever), The Spawn of Ryfun, aka, Garrison...

Jul 25, 2018

So many movies, so little time, but Mikey, Dave and #TwitterlessDrEarl are here to tell you all about them. It's the ReFlicktions show, where the group talks about the movies they've seen since the last time they did ReFlicktions and talked about the movies they'd seen. So as the venerable Mister Rogers would say please...

Episode 334: Populaire Sports (ft Kaufman)

Jul 4, 2018

It's the Annual July 4th episode for The Deucecast Movie Show!!  Mikey, Dave and #TwitterlessDrEarl set up shop in front of the vaunted Deucecast Microphones to spill the best on movies, rumors, pop culture, Natalie Portman (Mikey), Amy Adams (Dave) and Allison Brie Larsen (#TwitterlessDrEarl). And what better way to...

Episode 302: ReFlicktions Ragnarok 2049

Nov 8, 2017

The guys are back for November ReFlicktions, and all the movies Dave, Mikey & Pinky have seen. And joining the studio is Friend of the Show Wit Stillman Fan, Brie Lover (Larsen, Allison, Cheese), Film Historian, Terrance Malick, and Nobel Prize for Medicine Winning Surgeon Dr Earl! Here, Pinky ranks the Friday the...