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Nov 25, 2020

The holiday season is beginning to unfold, and with The Deucecast Movie Show, it begins with the annual DeuceGiving episode.

This is the episode where Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessButNotDiscordlessDrEarl gives their thanks!  Not just the traditional thanks, but this year, appreciation to Amy Adams movies... theaters...

Nov 18, 2020

 The year is beginning to hit it's final notes of the terrible song 2020 has given us, but Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl are here to give you the reviews on almost 50 films seen in the last few months.

Topics include... A Lolita Davidovich mention... More love for Jasper Mall... Dr Earl hates him some Taika... Dr....

Nov 11, 2020

Hail to the Chief, he's the Chief that we all Hail! Mikey and Dave, sans #TwitterlessDrEarl this time, jump right in with an episode long version of Like, Love, Hate, Hate-Like.
The concept is to take various Movie Presidents - those who have played the POTUS in a film or two, and come up with a movie that the guys...

Nov 4, 2020

It's a big week at The Deucecast Movie Show... no, not because of some election thing, but because another episode is dropping!  Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl take a look at movies that deserved a second chance. 

First up, Birthday Movies! Toy Story! Harry Potter! Star Wars! Rocky! Transylvania 6-5000! What movies...