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Sep 30, 2020

While Mikey is saving the world, Dave is saving the magic, and #TwitterlessDrEarl is saving a life like a Fray song, the gang decided it would be easier to repost a classic episode this week. This time, it hails from December 2016, episode 255, with Friend of the Show Jennifer Kaufman on board.

Here are the main show...

Sep 23, 2020

An episode of the Deucecast Movie Show with a twinge of queso and salsa, Mike, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl all take a look at some great films from South of the Border.

First up, a quick round of Rotten Tomatoes Potpourri, calling out the critics scores of classics like A Fistful of Dollars, and Weird Science and so...

Sep 16, 2020

While #TwitterlessDrEarl is living out a real life Fray song by saving lots of lives, Mikey and Dave take the show on their own in a special "prerecorded a week or two ago to drop in when needed like now when Dave just got back from Cancun" version of the show.

This week is Islands in the Streaming, the 7th iteration...

Sep 9, 2020

It's the Annual Event of the Summer, the bomb dot com as it were, where Dave watches the five films assigned to him by the rest of the Deucecast crew and Friends of the Show.

First up, Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessButNotDiscordlessDrEarl catch up on reviewing all the films seen in recent weeks, then Dave reviews The...

Sep 2, 2020

 As 2020 rolls on, the hits keep on coming, and The Deucecast Crew -- Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessButNotDiscordlessDr Earl just roll with them.

First, a quick look at "New Mutants" and the reopening of theaters.  Then, the guys address the gut punch that happened over the weekend... the death of Chadwick...