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Episode 571: ReFlicktionmania!! (and the Deucie Nominations!!)

Feb 22, 2023

The award season has almost hit it's peak, but of course, the Oscars are only the penultimate ceremony in recognizing the year's best in film -- there is the Deucie Awards... the 10th annual Deucies, as a matter of fact!

And to give those out, we must first announce who is in the running -- so tonight, you'll get those...

Feb 22, 2023

The award season has almost hit it's peak, but of course, the Oscars are only the penultimate ceremony in recognizing the year's best in film -- there is the Deucie Awards... the 10th annual Deucies, as a matter of fact!

And to give those out, we must first announce who is in the running -- so tonight, you'll get those...

Feb 15, 2023

It's the annual Valentine's Day celebration, and in typical Deucecast Fashion, we're doing it the day after, when everything is on sale.

Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl have given you fine people our fave Character Crushes (Ep 519) and fave Toxic Couples (Ep 468) and fave RomCom Chick Flick Guilty Pleasures (Ep 365)...

Feb 8, 2023

In an extra ep from The Deucecast - mostly in part because d$ is currently on a boat in the Caribbean Sea, but also because #TwitterlessDrEarl just wanted a day off, and Mikey didn't feel like recording on a Tuesday morning.

But either way, it's an audio experience of the Deucecast Extra on the YouTube Channel, this...

Feb 1, 2023

The new year has begun, winter is crashing around us, and it's time to reflect on what made our moviedom in the last year... and for the second time, we ask, Who Won the Year?  And maybe for the first time, because we can't remember, we ask Who Also Lost the Year?


First up, a few quick reviews -- "Living", as seen by...