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Episode 383: Good Disappointments

Jun 19, 2019

Sometimes you get movies you love that are awesome... sometimes you get movies that you love that are otherwise terrible... and sometimes you get movies that are supposed to be fantastic, but you just can't quite get it together enough to like them.  Appreciate them, sure. Like them? Nope. And to discuss such...

Episode 360: Not for Me (2018's Lumps of Coal)

Jan 9, 2019

It's become an annual rite of passage... the films that the Deucecast likes to call "Lumps of Coal", those being the worst movies seen over the last 12 months.  Films like "Justice League" and "Colonia" and "Terminator Genysis" and even "Pootie Tang" (thanks Pinky!) have all worn the banner of shame.  Which films wear...

Episode 275: One Fine Day

May 3, 2017

What can be done in a single 24 hour period?  According to movies, quite a bit!  That's the theme behind this latest episode of The Deucecast Movie Show, where Mikey, Pinky and Dave take on movies that take place in a day.

And who else would be in the pretentious corner but Brie Lover (both the cheese, Alison and...