Feb 24, 2021
The Deucecast Movie Show's 470th episode, breaking the previous week's total of 469 episodes, brings forth a ReFlicktions so huge, it takes 2 episodes to contain it all.
Mikey, attempting to knock out the entire American Film Institute Top 100, has dozens of classic movies, all predating 1980, and goes through them one...
Feb 17, 2021
If you listen to those sweet sounds of Dolly & Kenny at the
opening of the show, you'll know what time it is... it's time for
Mikey & Dave to give you all the movies you should be listening
#TwitterlessDrEarl is out saving the world and depressing tongues
with a stick -- in the meantime, Mikey and Dave hold down...
Feb 10, 2021
Get your Lady Gaga on as the Deucecast Movie Show wants your loving, wants your respect, but still has bad romances... it's a Valentine's episode looking at the darker side of love -- Toxic relationships in movies.
First up, Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl invite in Friend of the Show, Miss Independent himself...
Feb 3, 2021
It's been a while since the Deucecast eyes were cast upon filling the Big Bracket, but Dave, Mikey, and #TwitterlessDrEarl is here to bring it back.
The Frat Pack is the legendary group of actors from the early 2000s that gave us incredible classics like Old School, Wedding Crashers, Zoolander, Dodgeball, and many more,...