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Episode 351: The Affleck Damon Tourney

Oct 31, 2018

The Big Bracket looms in a few years maybe. But until then, Dave, Mikey and #TwitterlessDrEarl have to decide on the best roles featuring two huge actors: Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. Thusly, the Affleck vs Damon bracket is born. The guys seek to define the boundaries of the Affleckanaissance and what movies...

Episode 281: DaveSplosion + ReFlicktions

Jun 14, 2017

Summertime is here and going strong, and that brings in the 2nd Annual Dave'Splosion, where Dave has to watch FIVE unseen-by-him action films assigned by the other hosts and friends of the show, including Raid Redemption (Pinky's movie)... Hollywood Homicide (Dr Earl's movie)... Battle Royale (Remodeling Clay's...

Episode 259: The (Not) 2016 Top Ten

Jan 11, 2017

The year of 2016 produced some great films, but there were many seen by Mikey, Dave and Pinky that they considered great as well.  So while the guys are still finishing up their 2016 Best Of lists, they also wanted to mention the other films not in 2016 that were seen in 2016 but weren't from 2016, but were seen in...