Jul 24, 2019
The Earth is scorching, the sun that tried to kill Mario in the game is trying to kill us too, and the floor is lava everywhere. The only place hotter than summer right now is the super hot dudes in The Deucecast Movie Show studios!
After the rundown of birthday movies -- can you believe American Pie, Blair Witch and Eyes Wide Shut are TWENTY years old?? Plus, True Lies at 25... Bernie died 30 years ago... The Muppets took Manhattan 35 years ago... that creepy house told us to get out 40 years ago... and we had a Death Wish 45 years ago this month!
Then, Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl tackle a sizzling topic... best Summer Films! Movies set in and around the summertime months, including Beach Flicks (One Crazy Summer!) and Mountain Flicks (White Water Summer!) and political Flicks (Do the Right Thing!) and much, much more.