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Sep 22, 2021

Well, here we are, one week out from the biggest episode we've had since the last big episode we had. It's the Deucecast Movie Show and before we get to 500, we have to do 499.  And in the spirit of the One Before, Dave, Mikey, and #TwitterlessDrEarl are celebrating ones before... or more specifically, movies that have a story before the story that you've already seen...


No, not THOSE Prequels... well, not just those Prequels. These are the origin stories, the lead ups, the ones that show us how the big movies got their own stories to tell. How Bumblebee met an unassuming Hailee Steinfeld and how Professor X ended up in the wheelchair and how Silent Bob met Jay and why is Indy 2 set before Indy 1? These are the questions that get answered!

Plus, a new IMDb game, this one all about the Top Four... and paying off the summer, finally, the 2021 edition of DAVESPLOSION! 

Finally, all the news you need to know about the next episode, coming Friday, 8p Eastern, 5p Pacific... The Deucecast Movie Show Episode 500.