Jan 8, 2020
Welcome to the new decade, the new year, and the first ReFlicktions of the Roarin' 20s. Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl reconvene to discuss all the movies they've seen in the last several weeks.
Earl actually saw Cats... The Sneaker Pimps show up on the show... We ain't sayin' it's a Gold Digger... dirty water docs... the year of Adam Driver... Mikey hates Richard Jewell... Dave doesn't hate Uncut Gems... Charlize's Bombshell... Holiday Inn and that weird scene... more Nic Cage
Plus the final Top Five of 2019 as they head into the annual series of "Best Of" episodes.
Here are the movies discussed and where to find them streaming (currently. don't be a yay-hoo and check this post in 2022 and expect it to be right)