Jun 26, 2019
In this superhero edition of The Deucecast Movie Show, Mikey and Dave, sans #TwitterlessDrEarl, take on the long running Tourney series, this time with a heroic task... the best superhero role in the movies.
Of course, its a heroic superhero task that cannot be tackled by two yay-hoos like Mikey and Dave... at least not just them. So they bring in someone who is half their age and just as dorky, the Son of Ryfun, the Golden Child of Waybridge, Georgia, Little G himself, Garrison.
And the tourney kicks in, with matches like Superman taking on Superman, Batman against Batman, X v X, Guardians tackling Guardians... if you liked Batman v Superman, this is much better. If you liked Captain America Civil War, this isn't nearly as good, but its better than Batman v Superman!
And what a tourney it turns out to be!