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Episode 351: The Affleck Damon Tourney

Oct 31, 2018

The Big Bracket looms in a few years maybe. But until then, Dave, Mikey and #TwitterlessDrEarl have to decide on the best roles featuring two huge actors: Ben Affleck and Matt Damon. Thusly, the Affleck vs Damon bracket is born. The guys seek to define the boundaries of the Affleckanaissance and what movies are included... the importance of Armageddon's opening credits... Ben's directing chops... Damon's villain roles... saving Matt Damon from being stranded all over... the poker revolution from Rounders... rethinking the Ocean Movies... Damon as an action hero... #TwitterlessDrEarl saying "He talked me into it"... how Good Will Hunting became the movie we know... Midnight Run inspirations... and the new website photos And how did Jerry Maguire win?