Mar 28, 2018
Just Mikey and Dave on this edition of The Deucecast Movie
Show, as they give a rundown of all the good (a Nic Cage movie!),
the bad (a Nic Cage movie!) and everything in between (a Nic Cage
movie!) They get right to the action, and along the way, tackle
such pressing issues as good and bad Nic Cage... Dave crushin' on a
hot Michelle Monaghan... Mikey verbally destroying K-Stew...
Munchhausen by Proxy... Emily Blunt's perfect casting... and lots
of questions about Wakanda. Movies discussed: The Darkest Hour…
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang… I Tonya… Gilbert… Personal Shopper… Edge of
Seventeen… Mommie Dead & Dearest… Good Time… When We First Met…
Army of One… Arsenal… The Mummy… Celeste & Jesse Forever… The Girl
on the Train… Table 19… Stasis… Wilson… Frances Ha… Paint It Black…
Battle of the Sexes… Wind River… Death Wish… Annihilation… Black