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Episode 346: Off the Rails

Sep 28, 2018

Once again, the Deucecast Movie Show hosts fill your earholes with lots of frivolity, fun times, movies and more.  Over the summer, there was an episode that feature both Friend of the Show Scott Ryfun, and our buddy Steve Glosson, who only could come on for 15 or 20 minutes. There is some great discussion on...

Episode 325: The Tom Cruise Sweet 16 (aka Shirtless Volleyball with Ryfuns)

May 2, 2018

The Deucecast Movie Show jumps back into the bracket format again, this time with Tom Cruise movies!  Mikey and Dave invite in Twitterless Dr Earl, and get Waycross Bainswick Georgia's own Scott Ryfun. And the bonus Ryfun, Garrison, also joins in. The guys match up Tom Cruise roles one by one, until there is only...