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Episode 354: DeuceGiving 2018

Nov 21, 2018

Once a year, the crew from The Deucecast Movie Show roll into the Deucecast Studios for one purpose: To record more shows. But beyond that, to say Thank You to the things Mikey, Dave & #TwitterlessDrEarl appreciated the most in 2018. It a very DeuceGiving Thanksgiving. First is catching up with Dr Earl, after his world...

Episode 340: DaveSplosion ReFlicktions

Aug 15, 2018

The summer is nigh, the air is thick, and movie theaters continue to suck in Dave, Mikey, and Pinky! Jumping right in, the guys have a discussion on movie theater experiences in Asia, Denzel sequels, Dave finally seeing Hot Rod, and all the movies Pinky had to catch up since his release from a Chinese gulag. Mikey's...