May 25, 2022
When Mikey, d$, and #TwitterlessDrEarl only have about 20 movies between them, thereby ensuring the ReFlicktions would be fairly short. We can't have that, so let's invite in the Pride of Kennesaw and the Spawn of Scotty Ryfun, the Lil G himself Garrison Ryfun.
We are here to spill the beans, no spoilers, plus discuss...
May 18, 2022
In just a week or so, the Deucecast Guys enter into the Danger Zone again, at a preview for Top Gun, so that leads the discussion to TOP FIVE DOGFIGHTS in movie history. Snoop, Snoopy, The Bounty Hunger or Junkyard are not included. A task too big for just d$, Mikey, and #TwitterlessDrEarl, so who do they turn to? Of...
May 11, 2022
BATTER UP! Baseball has begun, 30 games into the season, Dave's team, Baltimore, is already out of it, Mikey doesn't care because Dallas Cowboys play the foosball and not the baseball, and #TwitterlessDrEarl is out and about, saving lives, delivering babies and politicking.
So, we bring in Roth from Wyoming, co-host of...
May 4, 2022
Now that all the 2021 lists are over, and the ReFlicktions for last month have been ReFlickted, its time to finally move forward with new lists, new topics, and old movies to discuss!
In honor of this year's NFL Draft, which just happened and to which likely 2 of the 3 Deucecasters (Dave, Mikey, Dr Earl) have no idea...