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Episode 375: Avengers Endgame Primer

Apr 24, 2019

It's a moment we've been waiting for since last April... but now its Avengers Endgame Week!!! Dave and Mikey already have their tickets, as well as #TwitterlessDrEarl, and bringing in the original OG, the Young G, every since he was a lower case G, but now he's a Big G, girls see he got the money, hunnah dolla...

Episode 374: Tethered ReFlicktions From US

Apr 17, 2019

Springtime has sprung(time) and it's time for the April edition of ReFlicktions.  Mikey and Dave, and Friend of the Show and Part Time Contributor and Some Time Brie Larsen lover and all time Alison Brie Lover and most of the time world traveler and a little bit of the time movie critic and Full Time Doctor Earl. ...

Episode 373: John Candy vs Steve Martin

Apr 10, 2019

It's another Tournament Episode for The Deucecast Movie Show, as Dave and Mikey seek to find the greatest movie role ever, and this time, it's two comedic legends. The greatest movie roles of John Candy (Barf! Chet Ripley! Del Russell!  Uncle Buck) take on the greatest movie roles of Steve Martin (CD!  George...

Episode 372: Favorite Actors When We Were Kids

Apr 3, 2019

Another episode of the Movie Show is here, with Mikey and Dave bringing the noise and the funk. And the film.  The topic tonight is Actors that they loves when they were kids, and may or may not care about at all since they are all grown up. What better guy to bring in than the pride of Tifton, Georgia, Friend of...