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Episode 346: Off the Rails

Sep 28, 2018

Once again, the Deucecast Movie Show hosts fill your earholes with lots of frivolity, fun times, movies and more.  Over the summer, there was an episode that feature both Friend of the Show Scott Ryfun, and our buddy Steve Glosson, who only could come on for 15 or 20 minutes. There is some great discussion on...

Episode 345: Islands in the Streaming IV

Sep 19, 2018

If you need a movie and your choice is unknown Maybe listen here now to the Movie Show... The hosts are podcasting inside, and they got flicks going on Nat Portman does something to Mikey that he can't explain When Dave is watching Katie Heigl, he can feel no pain Every beat of Earl's heart Allison Brie Larsen is going...

Episode 344: Crazy Rich ReFlicktions

Sep 12, 2018

Another Wednesday morning and your podcatcher inbox is bright and shiny as Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl fill your hear-holes will lots of movie talk!  It's the latest round of ReFlicktions, where the guys ReFlickt on the movies they've seen in the last few weeks! With much love for Crazy Rich Asians. First up,...

Episode 343: The Tom Hanks Top 32 (ft Ryfun & Shaver)

Sep 5, 2018

It's another excursion into movie mediocrity as Dave, Mikey, and Pinky tackle a movie role tourney with one of the greatest actors of any and all generations Tom Hanks. As the Greatest Movie Role of All Time Ever Tournament rolls on its time for a big one in Tom Hanks. The Deucecast Movie Show looks to put another...