Jan 25, 2017
A special retrospective brings on a TechnoRetro Dad, that being
Shazbazzar from TRD. Shaz joins d$, Mikey, & Pinky and Wit
Stillman fan, Terence Malick Apologist & Film Historian Dr. Earl as
the gang talks about the legacy of Carrie Fisher, who we lost in
December of 2016.
Jan 18, 2017
the start of a new year, and with that, the start of new movie
goals and new movies seen! Thus, the January ReFlicktions is
super duper uper sized!
back to the studio, Mikey, Pinky and Dave invite in friend of the
show Clay Shaver, host of the Remodeling Clay Podcast, but also
Witt Stillman fan,...
Jan 11, 2017
The year of 2016 produced some great films, but
there were many seen by Mikey, Dave and Pinky that they considered
great as well. So while the guys are still finishing up their
2016 Best Of lists, they also wanted to mention the other films not
in 2016 that were seen in 2016 but weren't from 2016, but were seen
Jan 4, 2017
Throughout the year, there are good movies, there
are bad movies, and there are movies that Dave, Mikey and Pinky
watch that are just terrible. So as the last of the Christmas
themed episodes, the trio give their worst films of the year
they've seen.
A great round of The Denzel Game kicks off the episode, as they...