Feb 22, 2023
The award season has almost hit it's peak, but of course, the Oscars are only the penultimate ceremony in recognizing the year's best in film -- there is the Deucie Awards... the 10th annual Deucies, as a matter of fact!
And to give those out, we must first announce who is in the running -- so tonight, you'll get those nominations revealed to you!
And of course, it's the ReFlicktions ep, where Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl reflickt on the films they've seen... the old films (when man is the most dangerous prey... in the 30s) to the new (its Quantumania time!) and all in between.
While Dave and #TwitterlessDrEarl are looking in years previous to find the movies watch, Mikey draws a line in the sand and refused to talk much about anything not 2023 because... because Mikey. Here it all for yourself as we talk about: