Oct 12, 2022
Halloween is quickly approaching as the fall rolls on, and the spooky movies are already on deck for both Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl. But before they get to Halloween proper (and the annual Halloween ep coming in a few weeks), they'll spend a little time with some of the other mean, evil, and sometimes incompetent characters of film.
First, quick chatter about recent movies taken in, including "Amsterdam" and "Werewolf By Night", then a Rotten Tomatoes game featuring the good, and bad, movies made by the master of horror fiction, Stephen King himself. Everything from the acclaimed like "Stand by Me" to the forgotten, like "The Mangler". Everyone figures Mikey will win this one too. Right? Right.
Then, the Henchmen. Those who don't run the show, but do the bidding of those movie villains who do. Then again, sometimes the Henchmen in question are really the ones in charge. Either way, each of the Deucecast trio brings their own favorites to their lists.
Plus... the short career of Alexander Godunov and a
multiverse world where Harrison Ford is a dentist on Friends and
Tom Selleck wields a whip.