Mar 16, 2022
The award season is on the fast track to the big one, the Academy Awards, and it was time to revisit some of the previous Oscar seasons... specifically, the Best Picture nominees from years gone by.
And to accomplish this feat of movie strength, Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl bring in Show Fave and Listener Roth from Wyoming!
First, a list of Birthday Movies -- including Logan turning five, and IN LIKE FLINT... my favourite movie!
Then to add to the Best Picture nominees of 2002!
Essentially... there were only five nominees for Best Picture. Within a decade, they would allow up to ten films to be nominated. So it's our job to come up with our own lists of the other five that should have also been nominated... note: we CANNOT remove any of the existing films, we can only add to the list.
And at the end of the show, the crew all submit one film each that should have been nominated, then a quick discussion on the final film, to come up with a Deuce Best Picture nominee list.
The existing nominees for the Best Picture category in 2003 (for movie year 2002) are Gangs of New York, The Hours, Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The Pianist, and the year's big winner, Chicago... so the crew asks, "Did they get it right?"
This is the last of this part of the series for this year. Next February, we will pick back up with the Best Picture nominees of 2003 and continue through 2007.