Jul 7, 2021
As Will Smith would tell us, it's truly summer summer summer time... and once again, it's time to sit back and unwind, especially with our list of summer films from 1995 to 1999!
And once again, the task it too big to take on with just Mikey and Dave (with #TwitterlessDrEarl still saving the lives of those beach goers, this time in the Cozumel sea), so returning to the show is the legend, the myth, the master, the Kwan, the e ching, the pride of Albany, GA, WRYFN radio Disc Jockey, Wolfman Ryfun!!
And the topic are those movies released between Memorial Day to Labor Day in each of 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999... and if you are Scotty Ryfun, you even stretch those rules a bit.
Some of the conversation includes Dennis Hopper bad guys... Gary Busey in general... Solo cups... Bowfinger... liking Attack of the Clones a lot... seeing Red Tails... Jim Carrey's dark turn... Ep I's stretching the rules... Nic Cage's holy triumvirate...