Mar 20, 2019
It's the biggest event you'll hear on a podcast pertaining to both
Mikey and Dave... its the 6th Annual Deucie Awards, given to the
best films, acting, ensembles, music and more of the year of our
Lord 2018!
Will The Favourite strike gold with its 8 nominations?
Can Emily Blunt win in one of her two acting nominations? Can
"Will You Be My Neighbor" get a Deucie award, even though the
stupid Oscars didn't nominate it at all? Find out tonight!
And Dave and Mikey share their picks for the Top 10 of the year,
including films like "A Quiet Place"... "Isle of Dogs"... "Mary
Poppins Returns" and much more! Here are the nominations, and
follow along at home! BEST PICTURE The Ballad of Buster
Scruggs The Favourite Mary Poppins Returns A Quiet Place Roma
Ballad of Buster Scruggs) Alfonso Cuaron (Roma) John Krasinski (A
Quiet Place) Yargos Lanthimos (The Favourite) Spike Lee
(BlacKKKlansman) BEST ACTRESS Emily Blunt (Mary Poppins
Returns) Olivia Coleman (The Favourite) Elsie Fisher (Eighth Grade)
Lady Gaga (A Star Is Born) Charlize Theron (Tully) BEST
ACTOR Christian Bale (Vice) Nicolas Cage (Mandy) Ben Foster
(Leave No Trace) Rami Malik (Bohemian Rhapsody) Viggo Mortensen
(Green Book) BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Mahershala Ali (Green
Book) Adam Driver (BlacKKKlansman) Sam Elliot (A Star is Born)
Michael B Jordan (Black Panther) Sam Rockwell (Vice) BEST
SUPPORTING ACTRESS Amy Adams (Vice) Emily Blunt (A Quiet Place)
Kathryn Hahn (A Private Life) Emma Stone (The Favourite) Rachel
Weisz (The Favourite) BEST POPCORN MOVIE Aquaman Avengers
Infinity War The Meg Mission Impossible Fallout Skyscraper
Ballad of Buster Scruggs) Deborah Davis & Tony McNamara (The
Favorite) John Kransinski (A Quiet Place) Bo Birnham (Eighth Grade)
Charlie Wachtal, David Rabinowitz, Kevin Willmott & Spike Lee
(BlacKkKlansman) BEST ANIMATED FILM Dr Seuss the Grinch
Incredibles 2 Isle of Dogs Ralph Breaks the Internet Spider Man:
Into the Spider Verse BEST ACTION FILM Aquaman Avengers
Infinity War Black Panther Bumblebee Mission Impossible Fallout
BEST ENSEMBLE Avengers Infinity War Bad Night at the El
Royale Crazy Rich Asians The Favourite Widows BEST SONG OR
SCORE The Place Where Lost Things Go (Mary Poppins Returns…
Music by Marc Shaiman, Lyric by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman) Can
You Imagine That (Mary Poppins Returns… Music by Marc Shaiman,
Lyric by Marc Shaiman and Scott Wittman) The Shallows (Star is
Born… Music and Lyric by Lady Gaga, Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomondo
& Andrew Wyatt) Score from Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse (Score
by Daniel Pemberton) When a Cowboy Trades His Spurs fro Wings (The
Ballad of Buster Scruggs, Music and lyric by David Rawling &
Gillian Welch) BEST DRAMA Green Book Leave No Trace Roma
Searching Widows BEST COMEDY Crazy Rich Asians The Favourite
Game Night Sorry to Bother You TAG BEST FANTASY/SCI FI
Annihilation Black Panther A Quiet Place Ready Player One Solo: A
Star Wars Story DOCUMENTARY Free Solo Love Gilda Minding the
Gap They Shall Not Grow Old Won't You Be My Neighbor WORST
MOVIE Jurassic World Fallen kingdom Nutcracker & the Four
Realms Pacific Rim Uprising Robin Hood A Wrinkle in Time WORST
ACTING PERFORMANCE Gerard Butler (Geostorm) Scott
Eastwood (Pacific Rim Uprising) Amber Heard (Aquaman) Keira
Knightly (Nutcracker & the Four Realms) Oprah Winfrey (A Wrinkle in