Nov 17, 2017
You'd think that with discussing long movies, Dave, Mikey & Pinky would make it a long episode. Ironically, it only takes them an hour to tell you about their favorite movies that clock in at 150 minutes or more. And what discussion about being long winded would be complete without the long winded Film Historian himself, the Wit Stillman fan, the Brie Lover (Allison, Larsen & the cheese), the Terrance Malick Apologist and winner of the Nobel Prize for Proctology, Dr Earl. Kicking off the episode, Birthday Movies reminds you of the fabulous films that came out in previous Novembers like Fred Claus (2007) and Starship Troopers (1997) and Piranha II (1982) and of course Dave's 50th favorite film of all time, The Bodyguard! Plus, a great reminder of Dr Earl's official diagnosis concerning the death of Whitney Houston. Then, a rousing game of Denzel, with names like Harrison Ford and Martin Starr and Sam Waterston and of course, Denzel Washington! Then, the Top Five takes on "overstuffed" movies, as in, those movies running 2 and a half hours or longer. The crew gives movies ranging from 153 minutes to a whopping 295 minutes... and if you watched all 20 of these films straight in a row, you'd be watching for almost 65 straight hours. Overstuffed films like Magnolia... Heat... Short Cuts... a Lord of the Rings film... JFK... and if you've ever wondered what is the most Inuit movie ever made, please pull up a sitting room chair to Dr. Earl's pretentious corner. Also, Mikey's Wyatt Earp loses again to Dave's Tombstone. And finally, America's favorite movie podcast segment featuring the musical stylings of OMD... Pretty in Pink!