Apr 11, 2018
The guys are taking two weeks off because of... well, life. But don't sweat it! Here is a classic episode from The Deucecast Movie Show, released all the way back on June 8th, 2013. The show had just transitioned from a variety show into a strictly movie show, and Episode 101 features Dr Earl (Before he got all of his titles)... Pinky, as he joins the show officially... Mikey and Dave as hosts... and even Producer Tommy and Producer Shawn! Its the first real "ReFlicktions" show of the Deucecast Movie Show, covering films like the original "Jack Reacher"... "The Great Gatsby"... "Now You See Me"... and an extensive love fest for Fast & Furious 6. And then a list of the guys favorite "disappointing summer blockbusters"! Hope you enjoy this blast from the past, and we'll give you some new episodes in 2 weeks!